June 4 2017 - June 6 2017

Education Seminar

This program focused on judicial review of administrative action.

Number of Participants: 38


This program focused on judicial review of administrative action.


The objective of this course was to review the legal foundation for judicial review and the procedural and substantive law of judicial review proceedings.


Led by a retired appellate judge who returned to teaching law, the session explored the constitutional basis and function of judicial review, federal and provincial jurisdictional issues, appeals and applications for judicial review, standing, the justiciability of administrative action, grounds for and standards of review, constitutional claims and remedies.

Another part of the meeting was dedicated to judicial conduct and communication in the courtroom, as well as the CJC’s complaints and disciplinary process. The presentation also touched on aspects of sexual assault law and issues related to hearing and deciding sexual assault cases. It highlighted the importance of judicial education, with a focus on judicial conduct, the complaints, and disciplinary process.