April 1 2020 - March 31 2021

Targeted Assistance for Judges at the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia 2020-2021

Judges are encouraged to ask questions of their colleagues. The ability to call and ask a question or to drop into someone's office is not limited to those with whom a judge has formal mentor relationship.

Number of Participants: 10

While there are formal programs available to all judges, and informal opportunities for learning as well, the size of our bench also allows us to offer personalized and directed learning. If, for example, a judge is experiencing some difficulty with a build up of reserved decisions or appears to be taking too long to issue decisions, there is an informal approach made to offer individualized and confidential assistance. That will usually involve having another judge assigned to provide instruction and mentorship over a longer period of time. The judge receiving the instruction is assured of the confidentiality of the process.