November 8 2018 - November 9 2018

Nova Scotia All Courts Education Seminar 2018

This program covered a mix of substantive law and process, social context, judicial identity, safety and wellbeing, and judge craft topics. Specific topics included new criminal law legislative amendments, managing concurrent proceedings, the impact of childhood trauma, the evolving role of a judge, restorative approaches, judicial security and strategies for staying on top of workload. We were also privileged this year to invite leaders from Mi’kmaq communities.

Number of Participants: 94


This program covered a mix of substantive law and process, social context, judicial identity, safety and wellbeing, and judge craft topics. Specific topics included new criminal law legislative amendments, managing concurrent proceedings, the impact of childhood trauma, the evolving role of a judge, restorative approaches, judicial security and strategies for staying on top of workload. We were also privileged this year to invite leaders from Mi’kmaq communities.


The objectives of this program were threefold: to enhance judge craft in managing concurrent proceedings, along with providing an update on criminal and family law developments; to provide a better understanding of the social context of childhood trauma and its impact; and to explore and develop approaches to judicial security and productivity.


With a combination of presentations, panel discussions and exercises led by senior judges, multi-disciplinary academics, law enforcement, and representatives from local Mi’kmaq communities, the seminar explored the following topics: updates in criminal and family law, best practices in terms of managing concurrent proceedings, social context related to childhood trauma; approaches to inclusivity in the courtroom; and judicial security and productivity.