October 6 2021 - October 8 2021

Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta Education Seminar Fall 2021

This three-day online program touched on a variety of substantive and practical topics relevant to the work of the judges of the Court, including issues related to capacity and guardianship, emerging issues related to technology, and risk-based assessments in all areas of the Court’s jurisdiction.

Number of Participants: 90


This three-day online program touched on a variety of substantive and practical topics relevant to the work of the judges of the Court, including issues related to capacity and guardianship, emerging issues related to technology, and risk-based assessments in all areas of the Court’s jurisdiction.


The objectives of the seminar were to enhance participants’ knowledge on a variety of topics and to develop practical skills and best practices to address current and emerging issues in several subject areas.


Led by experienced judges, academics, and medical professionals, this program began with an in-depth look at issues related to capacity and guardianship, followed by an exploration of emerging online and technology related issues judges are likely to encounter, such as electronic evidence and the tort of privacy and online abuse. It closed with an examination of risk-based assessments in all areas of the Court’s jurisdiction. It used a combination of lectures, panel discussions and interactive elements such as polling and small group discussion to explore the seminar topics.