Vancouver, August 17 2005

Forum on Court Technology, Vancouver

VANCOUVER, 17 August 2005 – The Canadian Judicial Council announced the conclusion of a successful Forum on Court Technology, the first of its kind in Canada.

The all-day event brought together some 60 participants to Vancouver. The meeting took place at the Law Courts, in Courtroom 20, one of the most technologically advanced courtrooms in Canada. Participant organizations included federal and provincial government departments, the Canadian Bar Association, the Canadian Superior Court Judges Association, the Association of Canadian Court Administrators, the National Judicial Institute and others involved in Canada’s justice system, including not-for-profit organizations.

The Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin, Chief Justice of Canada and Chairperson of the Canadian Judicial Council, remarked on the immense value of the cooperation between these organizations and told the participants: "I am proud that the Council has been able to foster the development of this collaborative relationship, and to help to bring people together for this event."

Participants at the Forum explored the feasibility of creating a Canadian Centre for Court Technology which would allow for the development and sharing of best practices, encourage the use of technology, enhance efficiency in the justice system and foster access to justice across Canada. There is agreement that technological solutions are essential to deal with some of the complex issues faced today by the public, lawyers, judges and court administrators in this regard.

This Forum is an important milestone for Canada’s justice system in allowing, for the first time, all stakeholders to consider the possible creation of a Centre for Court Technology. Participants left the Forum with a sense of purpose and satisfaction, as well as commitment toward future cooperation, with a view to making such a Centre a reality.


Norman Sabourin

Executive Director and General Counsel

613-288-1566, ext.  301

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